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Martin Luther King Jr. Day to Decorate the Library

Martin Luther King Jr. Day to Decorate the Library

DASD day off

Help us create a winter city scape using boxes, construction paper, and odds and ends. We'll display our eclectic village on top of the bookshelves in the library for everyone to enjoy. Then, have a cup of hot chocolate with your choice of toppings while we admire everyone's handiwork. 

This is a drop-in, no registration required. It's a great way to work together and decorate the library, on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. All ages can contribute and participate - adults, children, families, and individuals are welcome. If you have experience in creating something like this we would love your help!

Can you bring something to the party? We could use cereal boxes, shoeboxes, small to medium cardboard boxes (not too big), wide-ish paint brushes (used is fine), construction paper, scrap book paper, packaging with interesting printing or patterns, tape (all kinds), paper towel tubes (please no toilet tissue tubes), leftover craft paint, fabric scraps, fake snow, quilt batting, figurines of people, pets, trees, or automobiles, and anything you think could be made into buildings or incorporated into the scene. 

We are looking forward to this community collaboration and hope you will join us.

This is a PA Forward Civic and Social Literacy Program




Monday, January 16, 2023
1:00pm - 3:00pm
Time Zone:
Eastern Time - US & Canada (change)
Chester County Library System:
Chester Springs Library
  Adults     Family  
  Adults     Family     Preschool     School Age  

Event Organizer

Nancy Niggel

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