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Community Conversation with Dr. Jordan Shapiro Online
At a moment when many of us are still grappling with the radical shift that the pandemic wrought on our families’ relationship to technology, Jordan’s book could not be more timely. In The New Childhood, he explores parental anxiety, the role of gaming in play, and poses the provocative idea that rather than hindering our children's development, gaming and technology play a critical role in guiding our children toward a healthy and rewarding future.
Valley Forge Middle School PTO and Tredyffrin Public Library are thrilled to present a virtual Fireside Chat with the good doctor. Please join us on Thursday, November 11th at 7 pm for what will prove to be a thought-provoking and vital conversation.
RSVP is required for this program-- all registrants will receive a Zoom link closer to the time of the event.
Jordan Shapiro, PhD is a globally celebrated American thought leader. He's senior fellow for the Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Workshop, and Nonresident Fellow in the Center for Universal Education at the Brookings Institution and teaches at Temple University. He is an international speaker and consultant whose fresh perspective combines psychology, philosophy, and economics in unexpected ways. Jordan’s book The New Childhood: Raising Kids to Thrive in a Connected World (Little, Brown Spark 2018) changed the cultural conversation about parenting and screen time. He is father to two children, stepfather to two more, and lives in Philadelphia with two polydactyl (six-toed) Maine Coon cats.
You can order signed copies of The New Childhood from Mainpoint Books at this link: https://www.mainpointbooks.com/jordan-shapiro. 20% of all sales will go to the VFMS PTO and the library! Thank you, Mainpoint Books! Due to this proximity, he has generously agreed to a meet-n-greet book signing! This will be Thursday, Nov 4th from 6-7 pm in the Tredyffrin Library Pavillion. RSVP is not required to attend this event.
These events are free and open to the public but donations to the VFMS PTO is welcome.