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Community Gardening around the Village: Backyard Medicine Making: Meals and Medicines from the Landscape Online
Landscape “weeds” are food and medicine for us and others. Charlene will discuss the plant traditions of some common southeastern Pennsylvania “weeds” and demonstrate how to discover tonic plants that support immune function and make preparations from them. She will identify staples of the pantry and medicine chest that are growing for free in the natural landscape.
Charlene Briggs is an environmental scientist and educator. She teaches Sustainable Community Design at Temple University and facilitates the development of outdoor classrooms through Earth Visions Consulting. Botanical Energetics is her therapy practice where she works with flower essences to help people through anxiety, depression and trauma. Charlene has been studying herbalism for three decades under the tutelage of many elder herbalists and has a certificate in herbal foraging from the Chestnut School of Herbal Medicine.
Charlene is launching an initiative, PXV CommuniTEA, with Phoenixville Area Transition Living Landscape’s work group. The signature project is establishing a community medical herb garden with traditional and wild plants from which herbal teabags will be made for the underserved populations in the Phoenixville area.
Charlene is also the author of Letters to Lida; WWII Told through the Eyes, Heart and Words of a B-29 Tailgunner, her father’s WWII memoir.
This event is free and open to the public, and will be held online via Zoom. Registration is required.