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Buzzing Through Beekeeping: A Comprehensive Overview

Buzzing Through Beekeeping: A Comprehensive Overview In-Person

Inspired by the Longwood Gardens Community Read of 2024 (The Last Garden in England and The Secret Garden) with its focus on gardens as a source of human healing, Henrietta Hankin Library is excited to add to our "Sow and Tell Week" presentation line-up, with a talk by Damon Ireland, of the Chester County Beekeeping Association.  In this engaging presentation, Damon provides a comprehensive journey through the captivating world of beekeeping. Whether you are a honey fan, want to include more beautiful flowers in your yard, or enjoy engaging in activities that will have a positive effect on the environment, beekeeping can prove to be a fun and sustainable hobby.  Plus, it provides a way to improve the health of your garden and your home.

Beginning with a historical exploration, Damon unveils the ancient roots and evolution of apiculture. He delves into the fascinating intricacies of the European honey bee, dissecting the roles of queens, workers, and drones within the hive. Exploring natural phenomena such as swarming, Damon elucidates the mechanisms behind colony reproduction. Transitioning to practical aspects, he discusses various hive designs and essential tools necessary for effective beekeeping. From nectar and pollen collection to the extraction of liquid gold—honey, Damon sheds light on the processes that sustain bee colonies. Additionally, he highlights the significance of beeswax and propolis as nature's building blocks. Offering valuable resources and insights, Damon emphasizes the importance of continuous learning and community engagement, particularly through organizations like the Chester County Beekeepers Association (CCBA) and its diverse programs. Concluding with a dynamic Q&A session, Damon invites participants to deepen their understanding and share experiences, fostering a vibrant exchange of knowledge and enthusiasm for beekeeping.

About the Presenter: Damon Ireland, a native of Chester County, was raised amidst the picturesque landscapes of a horse farm, where his early years were devoid of any fascination for insects. However, as the world grappled with the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic, Damon found an unexpected passion in beekeeping. What began as a modest endeavor with just two hives soon flourished into a thriving enterprise of six hives, as Damon delved deeper into the intricate world of apiaries. Not content with merely tending to his buzzing colonies, Damon became an active member of the Chester County Beekeepers, immersing himself in the vibrant community of fellow enthusiasts. His dedication and enthusiasm didn't go unnoticed, as he eventually assumed the role of Chair for community outreach within the club. In this capacity, Damon has been instrumental in organizing educational programs, workshops, and events aimed at spreading awareness about the vital role of bees in our ecosystem, fostering a deeper appreciation for these industrious insects among the local populace. Through his tireless efforts, Damon Ireland continues to be a beacon of inspiration for both seasoned beekeepers and newcomers alike, embodying the spirit of stewardship and environmental advocacy within his community.
Registration is required.  Henrietta Hankin Branch Library supports PA Forward Civic and Social Literacy.


Tuesday, May 21, 2024
6:30pm - 7:30pm
Time Zone:
Eastern Time - US & Canada (change)
Community Room
  Adults     Sow and Tell Week  

Registration is required. There are 44 seats available.

Event Organizer

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Hankin Reference

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