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Save Your Photos - Digital, Print & Video Online
Your family photos are part of the traditions and memories that future generations will treasure. Are you prepared to hand them down for others to enjoy? Do you worry about protecting photos from fire, floods, natural disasters and accidental loss? All of us have printed photos, slides, films, and keepsakes to pass to the next generation…but if our kids love digital, will they toss the prints? Turn your best photos into a curated treasured collection of meaningful stories. Learn the essentials of backup and sync for digital photos. Learn what “the Cloud” really is, and how it can take you and your memories from overwhelmed to organized. We’ll discuss how to break down a big photo mess into organized steps. September is Save Your Photos Month, so you are right on time to bring your questions. This is just the start of making your photos fun again.
Darla DeMorrow is a Certified Photo Organizer® and owner of HeartWork Organizing (https://HeartWorkOrg.com ), based in Wayne, PA, for over 18 years. She is the author of The Upbeat, Organized Home Office, one of the SORT and Succeed books which outlines five simple steps to help you organize space, time, and digital information like photos. She is a regular trainer for the international organization, http://www.ThePhotoManagers.com/, and supports their 8th annual photo preservation effort via SaveYourPhotos.org.
This event is free and open to the public and will be held online via Zoom. Registration is required.